Sounds like a bladder infection. Take her to the vet to get it checked out.Uncontrolled urination, loss of blatter control??
Are you playing with her when this happens? Sounds like she got excited to me.
It sounds like the dog needs some reenforcement of his housebreaking. Unless the dog is producing bloody urine or complains when it urinates I do not suspect a bladder infection.
It is a good idea to make sure it isn't a bladder infection before moving on to other things, however this presentation is not typical of a bladder infection. It is not uncommon for spayed female dogs to have this happen it may be a condition known as urinary incontinence. When they are spayed the hormone estrogen in greatly decreased, this hormone helps with the ability to control the sphincter muscle of the bladder. When the animal is very relaxed this muscle also becomes relaxed and than the urine leaks out.
There are medications that can help alleviate this problem, but they are available only by prescription so she should discuss this issue with her vet.
Good luck
I would advice you go to the Veterinarian as soon as possible.
It could be an infection or Kidney/Blatterstones,that what my dog had ,he just urinated all over the place non stop.
its BLADDER by the way.... and she could be suffering from an infection, take her to the vet
She may have an infection, take her to the vet ASAP. Poor thing might get it worse if you wait to go to the vet.
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