Friday, January 22, 2010

Curious about pregnancy/kegals/birth/loss of bladder control?

I've read different opinions on here on whether doing kegals during and/or after pregnancy is really beneficial so I have some questions for all the women who have or have not done them during and/or after their pregnancy....

How many of you did kegals while pregnant and how often?

What was your birth experience like and how long was it?

Did you or do you experience loss of bladder control during your pregnancy or after?

Do you or your husband notice any sort of difference in sex from before and after your pregnancy?Curious about pregnancy/kegals/birth/loss of bladder control?
keep your muscles toned is always a great idea. stay active, learn to accept your body's natural functions, and laugh often.Curious about pregnancy/kegals/birth/loss of bladder control?
I didn't do any kegals while or after I was pregnant. I had her 1 day after my due date and it only lasted 4 hours. (This is my first baby) I didn't have a loss of bladder any time and my husband is just as satisfied as he was before I had her. I hope this helps.
I have had five children, did kegals during and after all of them, for some it helps some it does not. I had major bladder issues after I had my second child and ended up having surgery about five years ago. As far as sex goes, yes there is a difference but a lot of it might have to do with the changes in hormones, how tired you are, being a new Mom, many different things but just because it changes does not mean that it is bad. Look at it as a new challenge, you and your husband can try new and different things and that can only bring you closer as a couple, not a bad thing.
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