Friday, May 14, 2010

Loss of muscle control in facial and neck area?

About two years ago i started to get a loss of muscle control in my facial area, particularly the eyebrows. Now the muscles of the scalp, my jaw muscles and my neck muscles seem to be affected. Its very weird.

For some reason it only happens when I am being looked at by someone else. As I am writting this right now control seems to be fine, however when i come into contact with people i get really nervous that they'll notice or something and it goes downhill from there.

Its really a nightmare and extremely noticeable and humiliating. Anyone ever have anything like this or hear about anything like this happen to someone? What could it be.

This is the first time I have ever really talked about it to anyone and im thinking of seeing a doctor but i just have this sense of hopelessness that nothing can help me. Ive had this for two years and tried to fight it mentally but nothing works.Loss of muscle control in facial and neck area?
since it only happens when someone looks at you, it would most likely be an anxiety reaction, and anxiety can have many symptoms

I would suggest seeing a doctor and getting some medication to help the anxiety since its afffecting your well being. There are many medications to try that could help youLoss of muscle control in facial and neck area?
ur a twitch

it happens when ur body gets under stress

aka ur stressing when ur social conversations start to fail

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